

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention. - Herbert A. Simon



I have been speaking out for the students who have suffered from illegal violence during the past week at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Well, besides the improvement in the students' meals, everything else remains the same. My German colleague exclaimed, "illegal imprisonment," while my British colleague advised me, "You know what China is like, maybe the university really can't do anything about it, don't stress yourself too much."

Ah, typical Nov.



On November 26th, I didn't cry for Urumqi, but I remember during the 2020 UK lockdown, the BBC released a video of a Uighur compatriot being tortured in a concentration camp. That day, I couldn't hold back and went downstairs to smoke several cigarettes, wiping away my tears without my partner noticing.

I haven't cried for the university students and Shanghai either. Later, there were large-scale gatherings, and I was excitedly watching from outside the Great Firewall, constantly sharing various pictures and videos on my social media.

Then a student came and asked me, "Teacher, what's wrong with you?" I asked what happened, and she showed me a screenshot. Oh, it turns out it was yesterday, I met two young people at the gym, on the 28th, my WeChat account was hacked. My entire social media feed was deleted, and I can't speak in any groups. WeChat users registered with a domestic phone number cannot see my posts.


Well, now I am a Tencent-certified overseas anti-China force.


Yes, I am also a coward. I am free outside the Great Firewall, just need to click and share a video. What can I do? After seeing this tweet, I can only hold my partner and cry for half a day, venting my emotions, and then retweet.


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